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As an organization, Operation Reach Back strives to plant seeds in the youth that produce fruit not only now, but for the rest of their lives.  Below, you will find information about the principles and standards ORB lives by as well as initiatives used to reinforce these principles:


  • the most important principle of them all; in order to mentor anyone, building a relationship of trust is paramount.  People tend to be more willing listeners when they have a relationship with the person who is sharing the information


  • we must all be responsible for our own actions; we should strive to be the best we can be and settle for anything less


  • we must give respect to get respect; our greatest level of respect should be shown to ourselves.  If we respect ourselves, we will respect others


  • DREAM!!! We encourage the mentees to have goals and to pursue them; nothing is ever out of reach and they should never be guilty of not trying.


  • give back because you have been the beneficiary of someone doing the same for you; make a positive impact in the lives of others;

​Respect Yourself
  • The Respect Yourself initiative encourages the mentees to dress for success.  You show an abundance of respect for yourself when you care about how you present yourself.  It's not about name brands but the brand associated with your name. First impressions are lasting impressions and if you look neat, well kept, and presentable, people may extend respect to you before you ever have the opportunity to open your mouth.


Serving Our School (S.O.S)

  • The "Serving Our Schools" Initiative encourages the mentees to help out around their schools by identifying ways that they can volunteer to assist during their non-instructional time.

  • Annually, Operation Reach Back spearheaded a "Campus Clean-up" for each school we served.  The students would be given gloves and garbage bags an we would walk around the exterior of the school picking up trash. 

  • We also organize peer book reading opportunities where student leaders in the program would read grade level equivalent books to fellow students in their schools.

  • During our annual "Ice Cream Social," the program participants were assigned shifts to provide tangible support to the success of the event.  They would help organized the lines of the ice cream recipients, distribute bowls and utensils, add toppings to the ice cream, etc.  This was one of our most successful activities each year.

  • Whether it's printing copies, helping with cafeteria duty, assisting with sanitation, etc., they are consistently charged with identifying ways to serve. This initiative encourages them to give back to the community that has served them by offering service to them.


  • The Dream B.I.G. initiative encourages the mentees to Be Invested in Greatness.  Though they can be encouraged by others, only they can tap into the greatness that is solely theirs. Being invested means that that you are making conscious efforts (investments) in your thoughts, words, and actions to achieve greatness and you are EXPECTING a return on the invest

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